18 October 2011

Adele: I'm not posh

Adele finds it funny that American people think she's 'posh' and knows the British royal family.

The songstress is a chart-topping success around the world.

Adele is amused at comments from fans in the US who think she's acquainted with the monarchy in England.

"American people think I am posh even though I am really not. They think I have a very British accent, as in: 'Do you know the queen?'' she quipped in an interview with British newspaper The Sun.

' just laugh at them. In England I am thought of as common as muck.

"I'd like to know a couple of the royals, though. I'd love a night out with Prince Harry, he seems like a right laugh. I love Kate Middleton, she's brilliant. And I love William."

Adele was invited to perform at last year's Royal Variety Performance in England. Her grandmother was so excited at the prospect that she chose the outfit her granddaughter should wear for the prestigious event.

"When I called my nan to tell her, she was so excited because she's 65 and the queen is her imaginary best friend,' she said. "So I was really dressed up in the dress that she picked for me. It looked like I was trying to be a princess."

Adele has been dogged by ill health of late.

She has suffered a chest infection followed by a haemorrhage on her vocal cords earlier this month which forced her to cancel a second American tour.

The 23-year-old star has revealed the embarrassing voice exercises given to her by her vocal coach.

"My vocal therapist is amazing - she looks like a Brazilian Shirley Bassey - but she's given me all of these new exercises. Now I have to sing my songs through a straw to get my diaphragm going. I have to do all of these facial movements to get my face going and it makes me look butt ugly because my whole face vibrates,' she explained.

"But the worst thing is that I've got this massive thing that looks like a sex toy and I've got to stick it into a bottle of water and blow. It's awful. And I have to sing things like Happy Birthday and the Grand Old Duke Of York. It's so embarrassing."

© Cover Media

Source: Music-news.com

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